The VRS Training Program

VRS Training Philosophy

VRS training is based on the blending of traditional European training programs and the principle of "Evidence Based Training". Whenever possible, the training techniques, schedules, and principles are based on proven scientific evidence. VRS training involves training "smart" not just hard, to maximize each riders potential.

The Volta Racing Systems Training Plan is based on the following principles:

  1. Periodization: The training year is disected into cycles, which are broken to smaller cycles. This encourages adequate stress and recovery.

  2. Integrated Workouts: Mind and body are trained simultaneously.

  3. Strength Training: Optimal body composition is developed through a structured and periodized strength training program. An Advanced Strength Program incorporating olympic lifts is available for experienced and dedicated athletes.

  4. Accurate Measurement of Intensity: To maximize the gains for time spent training, accurate measurement of intensity is mandatory.

VRS Training Program

The VRS training program is tailored specifically to the atheletes needs, which may include:

Why Choose the Volta Racing Systems Training Plan ?

  1. Personalized Service: In contrast to other internet-based coaching systems, all of our training programs include a minimum of two in-person meetings. Certain programs offer more frequent personal encounters and ongoing email/phone/fax support. It is important that all athletes feel that they are an important part of our bussiness and all will be treated as professional athletes regardless of ability.

  2. Physician Supervised Training Plan: All training plans are designed by a physician with a skills in Emergency Medicine, Sport Medicine, and over 10 years of experience in the cycling industry. None of our programs are computer-generated, all are hand designed and customized for the athlete.

  3. Competitive Pricing: VRS training programs are designed to be affordable for recreational as well as professional cyclists. Programs are priced according to the level of service provided, and training plans are available in a price range for most budgets.

  4. The Results: There is no doubt that for the majority of cyclists, the key to a more successful racing career is smarter training. No amount of money spent on equipment, of any kind, can match the degree of improvement an athlete can attain with a well designed fitness program.

  5. An Impartial Fitness Assessment: Regardless of the athletes degree of knowledge in training, and regardless of the athletes intelligence and dedication, very few athletes are capable of self coaching. In fact the more knowledgable and dedicated the athlete, the more likely that training mistakes will develop and become limiters of success.

  6. Climatic Factors: The VRS program can fit any lifestyle, however, since VRS is based out of Northern Alberta, the program can be specifically designed to fit the inherint seasonal variations. Although most professional racers spend the winter in southern climes, many recreational racers do not have this luxury--the VRS program is more than adequately prepared to deal with this situation.
